Simon Kenton School Preschool offers half-day sessions, four days a week for Preschool children (3 – 5 year olds).  Each classroom session has seven children on an IEP and seven peer models.  Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy services are provided based upon Individual Education Plans (IEP).  Preschool services are provided in an integrated setting with children with special needs and peer models as recommended by the Ohio Department of Education.  Children with special needs are enrolled at Simon Kenton School following an IEP meeting with the child’s parents and school district of residence.  Parents complete an application to enroll children who are peer models.  All children enrolled in the early childhood programs are evaluated using the ELA within the first 60 (sixty) days of enrollment.  The ELA  ongoing assessment is embedded into daily lesson plans.

The Preschool staff implements a project approach with children.  Portfolios are kept on each child to share with families and to highlight progress. Early Childhood staff meetings are held 1 – 2 times per month to for planning of family events, special classroom projects and to focus on curriculum development, assessment and evaluation of students, and program evaluation.  At least four (4) times per year parents and children are invited for parent support/education activities, including a countywide event held in the summer which is open to any family with young children in Hardin County.  Early Childhood teachers have attained Highly Qualified Teacher Certification.

Motor lab with the occupational therapist and physical therapy assistant continues to be very popular with our preschoolers.  A motor lab skills checklist is sent home with the students to help parents monitor motor development.  The children enjoy motor lab twice a week.  One session is focused on fine motor tasks and the other session is focused on gross motor tasks.  A book of the month is also incorporated in motor lab.  Sound symbol development is a focus in preschool for all children.  Teachers and the Speech/Language Pathologist improve listening skills by teaching children the sound letters make along with recognition of the letter.  Parent handouts have been sent home explaining this listening program with follow along activities.

The Preschool team works together with county districts to prepare students for transitions to Kindergarten.


The nurses at Simon Kenton School provide nursing care for the students that attend our program. We ensure on-going education and certification to staff in order to provide health and safety measures for our students. The nursing team at Simon Kenton School maintains and improves the ongoing health of the students and staff through education, observation, medication and treatment administration, and on-site first aid.

Accurate medical records are maintained on all students. We also maintain orders for all medications and treatments that are administered daily and/or as needed to our students. We recognize that every student is unique and so are their health needs. We are committed to providing health services to our students and their families to the best of our ability each and everyday.  



The PLAY Project™ is a parent implemented, intensive program for young children with autism that is evidence-based. Intervention can make a profound difference in the life course of these children because their brains are developing at an incredible rate before the age of 5. Children, including children with autism, learn best through play in the  natural environment of the home.  The secret is knowing how to engage the child in a playful way that promotes his or her development.   


If you arrive at school on time, you do not need to sign your child in, in the office. If you arrive late, please plan to go to the office and sign your child in. You will need to sign your child out at the end of the school day, when leaving early. 


As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school office at 419-674-4158.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation in keeping all of our children safe.